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We help clients face key challenges and solve complex problems

in the context of the strategic, operational and innovative agenda of management and shareholders through the use of global best practices and a reasonable balance of traditional and innovative approaches

Arthur Consulting highlights:

< 1 month
to develop a basic strategic decision
potential effect based on the results of operational diagnostics
> 90%
of projects in the portfolio are based on innovation and digital solutions
Case studies of industry and functional practices
Туризм и мобильность

Avoiding the usage of personal transport and increasing the popularity of public transport are unavoidable and necessary goals for any successful city. They are not achievable without active demand management (e.g., restrictions for private transport) in addition to the implementation of the SDG agenda and autonomous mobility development


The density of public transport traffic, the scale of congestion, and potential impact on other road users determine the rationale for a dedicated lane for public transport


The commercial and social success of integrated mobility platforms (MaaS) occurs when a critical mass of users switches to a subscription model of public transport usage, choosing not to use their personal vehicles


The highest level of investment activity, in addition to traditional areas, is expected in the following areas: sharing vehicles of all types (cars, bicycles, scooters), development of unmanned systems in almost all transportation segments, as well as the development and production of electric vehicles and construction of charging infrastructure
Project background of our team in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Optimization of the logistics function at mining and metallurgical assets
Government of the Republic
Logistics master plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Almaty Akimat
Development of a portfolio of strategic initiatives for the development of the transport complex of Almaty
National Oil Company

Development of a cost reduction and operational efficiency improvement program

Government of the Republic
Development of a container transit strategy through the Republic of Kazakhstan
The largest developer
The company’s development strategy, formation of the Board of Directors and improvement of operational efficiency

Arthur Consulting Team in Kazakhstan

  • Александр Ованесов
    Alexander Ovanesov
    Managing Partner
    Strategy and organizational transformation under uncertainty

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  • Павел Власов
    Pavel Vlasov
    Managing Director
    Convergence of strategy
    and operational efficiency

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Board of experts
  • Boris Poretskiy
    Digital shift, breakthrough technologies and business models
  • Vladimir Borutskiy
    Urban and regional development, industrial innovation
  • Elena Moiseeva
    Corporate governance and implementation of changes in context of ambiguity
  • Nikolay Nazarov
    Investment strategies and corporate finance

Are you facing a daunting task or an ambitious challenge?

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